About us

Zaramaris cruising was founded in 2019 with the purchase of the ship Lastavice. The first year was very successful, but after the season we changed the name of the boat. Since I live in the city of Zadar, I wanted to create a brand that would be connected to the city and my family. My wife and I gave the ship a new name, Zaramaris.

Back in 1958 in the town of Tkon on the island of Pašman, my parents started pursuing tourism. We had an 8 m boat with which we started to drive our guests as a service more, and that’s why this idea came up. Over the last 60 years, my family has had over 20 boats.

Today when we have this beautiful cruising sailboat, my goal is for my family to continue this long tradition of shipping and tourism.

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Zaramaris stare slike
Zaramaris stare slike
Zaramaris stare slike
Zaramaris stare slike